#DecorAdoption is the new hashtag you should not only be participating in but also sharing with your fab friends. It’s our way to remind others to reduce, reuse, and refurbish when it comes to interior design decor. Not only is it beneficial to our environment, it can also be super fun! So, go antiquing, yard saling, flea marketing, or whatever way you can get your hands on something previously owned (reduce), use it in your space (reuse), and fix it up (refurbish). That’s right, we all need to start digging for our own treasurers from now on, rather than having them delivered to our front doors. Additionally, this way of shopping can potentially be cheaper than going out and getting that brand new whatever it is. We are a society that is stuck in a loop of having to have the newest and next best thing and its killing our planet! It’s time we restructure that way of thinking and find the beauty in the old and unwanted so they can be restored and given a new home.
Another reason to #DecorAdopt, you have the opportunity to go out and find conversation pieces you can share with others. For example, let’s say someone comes over and says, “Wow. I love that vase, it’s to die for!”. Awesome, they love your style- but now let’s think of the possible replies you could say. Option 1, “Thanks! I got it at *insert brand name*!”. Or, we have option 2 with “Thanks! It’s an Italian antique from the 1800’s I got at a flea market in *insert cool place*!”….or something along those lines. See what I’m saying? Literally a conversation piece!
In fact, this idea is kind of already on the rise as I’ve seen a surge in designs using more antiques or ornate pieces of décor/furniture. Traditional is coming back but now it’s being presented in a different way. This time, it’s used to juxtapose the clean lines of modern design, coming up with something more eclectic and interesting. My own style tends to follow this idea- basically, I just incorporate pieces that I love into my space no matter its own categorical style. In fact, my dad once said to me “Sallie, I can never pinpoint your style and it drives me crazy!”. I mean, it’s just so hard to pick one when you appreciate them all! Its not so much the style of pieces that make it go together or clash, rather the textures and colors that matter. So with keeping that in mind, I say mix modern with traditional and give your space some interest! Just don’t forget to #DecorAdopt before you shop so you can reduce, reuse, and refurbish!
Have any interesting #DecorAdoption stories? We’d love to hear them so we can share them!! Message us on Instagram @greyhuntinteriors or on Facebook at GreyHunt Interiors, or simply hashtag your posts with #DecorAdoption, #DecorAdopt, or #DecorAdoptDontShop!
Keep scrolling to see some of my own #DecorAdoption stories!

The little urn with the ornate handles on my nightstand was a gift from my sister and is from Italy, came as a set of two, and was only $85. (Noble, my cat, broke one, though. Still trying to forgive him.)

I got this chair at a yard sale in my 20’s and when I changed out my previous seating bought from a brand name, I just reupholstered and painted this old treasure and I’m so happy I did!

That little figurine is from a flea market stop I made in New Jersey!

The vases on the coffee table I got are from an antique store in Middle Burg- the tall one is Hindu God’s inspired. And the small marble and gold box on the shelf to the right of the sofa is also an antique.

These frames I love so much as they were a gift from my father for my birthday. He bought them from a friend and they’re from the 1800’s!

Here are the same frame but refurbished! Since I love them and didn’t want to let them go, when I changed the colors and style of my dining area, they got a paint job so they could stay- talk about a win, win!